Friday, August 19, 2005

Antithesys Show #3 Excerpt

In case you don't have enough time to listen to the whole show, or to find out if it's worth wasting your time over... check out my show #3 excerpt.

Speaking in tongues... is it truly the gift that we think it is?

How do you know what you're truly saying if you and no one around you can interpret it?

Are you really speaking blessings, or are you cursing yourself and God?


Antithesys Show #3

Finally the Antithesys Show has come back to the internet!!!

If you listened to show #2, this will be a continuation on a similar topic.

In this show, I finally get to use my marketing degree and my "Outstanding Senior Achievement in Marketing - 2002" Award. Listen as I explain what "System Business" is all about...

Intro Music: Modest Mouse - Float On
Outro Music: All Star United - Smash Hit

Antithesys Show Excerpt

Sorry it has taken me so long to put out anything new (for those of you who care)...

I prayed for some direction and God gave it to me.

This is just an excerpt that I was working on for a show that I really couldn't find a home for. It was too good to waste, so I'm putting it out there on its own for you to enjoy.

Put it in your mouth and chew it. It's delicious!

