Friday, January 27, 2006

Antithesys Show #4

I love ya.... sweet Jesus!!! After a busy holiday season and many delays, the Antithesys Show is back on the web for your listening enjoyment. After taking a 5 month hiatus, there were many things to talk about and many ideas that had been brewing.

This episode features an in depth discussion of how 3 successful local pastors fell victim to the attacks of the enemy. In this podcast I discuss what happened, how it happened, and how it all could have been prevented. I even backed it up with truth!

I hope this is the beginning of a more regular schedule of podcasts, but as you will hear me say in this episode, "unfortunately there's not a pill for podcast regularity..."

Intro Music: Gorillaz - Dirty Harry (mixed in with a clip from Anchorman and my robot announcer, Mike)
Outro Music: John Mayer - Bigger Than My Body

Point of Wisdom: There's an old saying claiming that "The proof is in the pudding..." Well, even if that's true, are we just supposed to dig around in the pudding until we find this alleged proof? And if so, once we find this proof, won't it be all pudding covered and gross? Yeah, some proof. Let's call off the guys from CSI and tell them we've found the proof. Nice...

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Sorry For the Delays...

For any of those of you who may care, I'm sorry for the delays in getting any new content put out there for you to listen to. I'm going to try to sit down and put some material together soon. I've had a rough time with my computer for quite awhile now. All my intro music I had painstakingly edited for the show was wiped from the harddrive (along with several other important audio files), so I'm back to the starting line. Again, sorry for the delays. I also have plans in the works to get in on another podcast. I'll give you details as they become available. I'm wanting the show to be called "Eric V and the Pirate" but that's just a working title...

More later.
